Do you know of an event that would appeal to our readers?
If so, please share!
BUT first, please review the guidelines below so you don’t waste your time or ours.
We’re looking for free — or very cheap — events that are fun and open to the public, and are close to Atlanta or one of its suburbs. In general, we define cheap as $15 or less, depending on what that ticket gets you.
Before you fill out the form to submit an event, PLEASE read all the guidelines below.
- Do NOT fill out the form anonymously. We need your name and phone number and email address — not a business phone number or an info@ email address.
- If you are a PR or communications professional, please email a press release or press statement instead of using this form. You’re the people we count on to make our job easier while we get the word out for you!
- If you have multiple free events in a series or at the same location, we’re begging you not to fill out this form a gajillion times! Just put your related events into an email and include a link to each one. You can use a basic what-when-where-how format to give us the details. If we can copy/paste a list of your related events, that’s a win-win.
- Regarding photos: We really love horizontal pictures that we can crop or resize to 600X400. But if you have a vertical flyer with all your event info in it, feel free to include that too! What we can’t use is tiny logos or thumbnail-size pics — or pics that you don’t own the rights to.
- Please do NOT submit commercial promotions or pricey events. We do not list these on our calendar. Again, we only post FREE & CHEAP public events with a wide appeal. We can’t stress this enough. See the list below of things we do not cover.
Now for the bad news.
Not every event submitted gets published.
We only have so much gal-power here at AOTC, and we have to pick and choose the events that appeal to the widest audience.
In general, we don’t include:
- Ticketed events over $15 (unless that reflects a half-off discount)
- Political rallies or events
- Fundraisers and galas
- Religious services (although we do include festivals and concerts held at houses of worship)
- Commercial events (free live music with a dinner reservation, for example, or a promotion at a shop)
- Networking events
- Motivational talks or workshops
- Niche events w/o wide public appeal (financial planning workshop for divorced women over 50, for example)
- Runs and races (but if you have one that’s free and inclusive, then hey, we’re in!)
- Casting calls — but please consider a sponsored post if you’re a casting professional
Want to be sure your event is included?
Consider advertising your event with us.
There are a lot of affordable options, from a boosted calendar listing, to a banner ad, to a sponsored post, to sponsorship of a popular post like a festival guide.
We can set up a promotion with a coupon, giveaway, or discount code.
Even if your budget is tiny, there are options. Just email to start the conversation.